Gin or Wine ?

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Gin or Wine ?

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Je vais bientôt à Sint Maarten/Saint Martin et je viens de lire un truc fort amusant...

One island, two nations

The entire island is 96 square kilometres, but French St. Martin gets the lion's share, at 55 square kilometres. So how did the French and Dutch countries determine the amount of land each got? Legend has it that the decision was settled with a race.

A Dutchman and a Frenchman stood back-to-back at what is now known as Oyster Pond, and circled the island on foot. The Dutchman was told to go south; the Frenchman north. The point at which they met would determine the border.

The Dutchman set out with a flask of gin and the Frenchman with a flask of wine. The Frenchman covered more ground and won the larger portion of the island. The Dutchman supposedly stopped for several gin breaks and, getting more drunk as he went, only managed to cover 41 square kilometres.


So, wine win; gin stand still...

SOS (Save Our Soccer) - Impact de Montréal, et rien d'autre.
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