Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football games

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Inscription : 19 avril 2016 14:16
Votre vrai nom : Paul Docherty

Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football games

Message par junglejim67 »


First off apologies for posting in English. I've just moved to Montreal and speak no French. I am taking classes!

I'm a born and raised Celtic supporter. Former season ticket holder. I've followed Celtic and the Scottish national team all over the place.
I've just moved to Montreal with my girlfriend and obviously interested in what the city has on offer regards football.

I've just bought a house 5 mins walk from Impact stadium so I'd be interested in checking the games out. I'll need to be honest and say I'm not a fan of MLS. My only
other experience was in Toronto and I wasn't too impressed and couldn't be bothered with the "soccer wankers" telling me how they are die hard Man City and Chelsea fans. It was all a bit plastic.

My brother in law says the impact is a bit different. You guys have an identity based on the Quebec culture. I even saw on a Celtic forum you guys being commended for left wing anti-facist pro immigration standpoints.
Not sure if this is true? I'd be very interested to hear of fan culture in Montreal.

Anyway I'm attending my first game this Saturday. Just wondering if anyone could fill me in on fan culture in Montreal.
Also, I'm looking for a team to play for. I need some fitness and looking for a downtown club to train with. Anyone know of any teams looking for players?

Champion continental
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Re: Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football ga

Message par fmfranck »

First of all, a very warm welcome to you Jim.

I'd say your first impressions are fairly accurate. As a whole, Québec is probably the most "left wing" area of Canada. This is reflected in the support of its football team. Some supporter groups are even outspokenly Anti-facist or anti-capitalist (Front Commun Montréal, ARMS). The rest of the KOP (namely the Ultras Montréal 02 and neutrals) are a-political in their nature, but are probably more lenient towards left-wing political ideals.

To summarize, the Kop (section 132) is rather anti-establishment-ish and more vocal/passionate.

A more "Toronto-like" casual (actually casual, not "hooligan" casual) supporter group has recently been created in the opposite side of the stadium. It's more bilingual and definetly more corporate (some, including me, think the club might have had a hand in their creation).

This is pretty much the gist of it. I'd say our original supporter section is unlike the rest of what you'll see in MLS (perhaps apart from D.C and, stretching it, San José) but its gone a bit soft recently (last year and a half I'd say). The rest of the stadium though is pretty standard. Knowledge of the game is still below what you'll find in Europe obviously.

Here's what you might expect from the Kop on saturday (more or less):

As for football teams, I currently reside in Québec City, so I wouldnt be able to expand too much on this. I'm sure others will be able to inform you though. ;)

Messages : 19
Inscription : 19 avril 2016 14:16
Votre vrai nom : Paul Docherty

Re: Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football ga

Message par junglejim67 »

Looks good. Is the KOP a liverpool reference I take it? What's the connection there?

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Re: Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football ga

Message par Phil7777 »

Welcome to MTL! Hope you have fun at the game and keep in mind that football is a growing sport here - still not part of the local culture. But it's going in the right direction. :)

Champion continental
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Re: Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football ga

Message par fmfranck »

junglejim67 a écrit :Looks good. Is the KOP a liverpool reference I take it? What's the connection there?
Kop is actually not a direct reference to Liverpool. In general, "a kop" is a standing terrace where the most vocal supporters are. Liverpool's kop is obviously the most famous one, and thus its name as become synomimous with the word "kop". However, if Liverpool's were the first club to adopt the name officially, its use was rather general in the early 20th century from what i can read. The term is now used (i can speak for french at least) to designate a "supporter section" in a stadium.

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Re: Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football ga

Message par penz »

junglejim67 a écrit :My only other experience was in Toronto and I wasn't too impressed and couldn't be bothered with the "soccer wankers" telling me how they are die hard Man City and Chelsea fans. It was all a bit plastic.
Well, you know everything there is to know about Toronto. :D
You'll see the difference on Saturday.

Messages : 19
Inscription : 19 avril 2016 14:16
Votre vrai nom : Paul Docherty

Re: Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football ga

Message par junglejim67 »

Thanks for the info. I'm looking forward to the game on Saturday.

I'd be interested in learning more of the fan culture. A few ultras groups were mentioned. Is there anywhere to find detail on these groups?
Is there any pubs of significance to the fans or any other elements associated with Quebec football culture I should explore?

Champion du monde
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Re: Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football ga

Message par penz »

I think the most football culture oriented pub in the region has to be the Burgundy Lion, in Petite-Bourgogne. This is where you'll find the real die hard English football fans, but the pub owner is also very much into IMFC and never hesitates to host groups or events related to IMFC.

On IMFC gamedays, you can find the ultras and other kop-related groups/people at Bar 99 on Hochelaga Street near the stadium (not very near but near enough).
Other hangouts on gamedays are located on Ontario Street west of Pie-IX, most notably Le Trèfle, a "kinda-irish" pub where you will find the folks of 127 Montréal whenever they don't tailgate.

As for away games, the Café Saint-Laurent Frappé, on Saint-Laurent Street, is the usual gathering spot for ultras and a lot of others to watch the game.

As for supporters groups, you can find info on UM02 at um02.com. Also you can look for other MTL groups online (facebook mostly), like ARMS (Anti-Racist Montreal Supporters), Front Commun Montréal, 127 Montréal and so on. Same goes for groups of other clubs. They're usually very easy to find on social media. So whenever you catch the name of a group you like, a quick search usually yields results.

Messages : 19
Inscription : 19 avril 2016 14:16
Votre vrai nom : Paul Docherty

Re: Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football ga

Message par junglejim67 »

English football fans as in... they are English or they like English football? I've zero interest in English football. I avoid it at all costs. I'd be keen to see more Quebec culture.

I just bought a house in Hochelaga. I went into Le Trèfle. A bit too posh for me. I'm used to the Gallowgate in Glasgow. As a Celtic fan with Irish republican sympathies, I also can't be bothered with them calling drinks "black and tans" and "Irish car bombs". Not exactly good taste when you know what a black and tan was. Nice enough pub to take the Mrs to lunch in.

That Bar 99 looks of interest. I'll check that out and your other suggestions. Tailgating would be good.

Looked up the UM02 website and it seems to be down? Couldn't find anything on ARMS or Front Commun Montreal or 127. Problem with Ultra groups is they don't appear to make themselves easily available to outsiders.
I sent UM02 a msg on FB. They probably think I'm a Toronto fan trying to noise them up or something.

Anyway. I've some Green Brigade stickers, badges and scarfs as we ll as fans against Criminalization stuff to exchange with any ultra movement. Times are hard for football fans in Scotland with the Anti-social behavior at football act by the police.
It's good to have a chance to go to the football Saturday without a running from the cops or being fooking kettled.

Send any info my way you think is relevant.

PS: Am I likely to be told to fuck off as I can't yet speak french?

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Re: Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football ga

Message par gbagrami »

I hope that you won't judge a Stade Saputo experience by the last game, it was one of the two or three worst games by the Impact in the MLS era, on the pitch as well as in the stands.

Ancien abonné en 126
Messages : 19
Inscription : 19 avril 2016 14:16
Votre vrai nom : Paul Docherty

Re: Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football ga

Message par junglejim67 »

I'll head back to the next game and see how things are. Wasn't a great game of football but Good being at the football in the sunshine.
Still crazy to me you can drink at these games. Plus drinking outside. Just bought a house in hochelaga.

Had a good laugh at some people walking around in cringe-inducing "ultras" hoodies. Looked about as Ultra as a boy / girl band.

Still On a look out for a football team to train with if you know any.

Bxl Boy
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Re: Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football ga

Message par Bxl Boy »

Maybe you can try there, they have a senior team (as Strange as it looks, lot of clubs in Québec only have teams for kids) : http://www.soccercpcmhm.com/
Don't be surprises by the level...

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Re: Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football ga

Message par Bob33 »

Nice,I am planning my trip to Montreal,hopefully can be on the spot to watch the game

Messages : 19
Inscription : 19 avril 2016 14:16
Votre vrai nom : Paul Docherty

Re: Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football ga

Message par junglejim67 »

Just bought myself a season ticket for Impact. A strange feeling having a season ticket for any club other than Celtic!!

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Re: Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football ga

Message par Phil7777 »

junglejim67 a écrit :Just bought myself a season ticket for Impact. A strange feeling having a season ticket for any club other than Celtic!!

Messages : 19
Inscription : 19 avril 2016 14:16
Votre vrai nom : Paul Docherty

Re: Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football ga

Message par junglejim67 »

Yeah, I went all in haha.

I need to find a way for me to connect with this team and to adopt them as my new home town club

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Re: Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football ga

Message par Shinsuo »

junglejim67 a écrit :Yeah, I went all in haha.

I need to find a way for me to connect with this team and to adopt them as my new home town club
That's the spirit my friend!! Welcome on board!! :wink:

Champion continental
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Re: Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football ga

Message par gbagrami »

It may take a couple of years, as it was in my case. Now, I'm hooked. You just have to realize that you don't "cheat" your original beloved club, since this is an different continent, and the Impact is not a possible competitor for your original club in any means, lol

Ancien abonné en 126
Messages : 19
Inscription : 19 avril 2016 14:16
Votre vrai nom : Paul Docherty

Re: Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football ga

Message par junglejim67 »

Merci Beacoup for the warm welcome.

gbagrami - Yeah for sure. I know Celtic will always be first for me. But I always support my local team and look forward to getting behind montreal.
If you don't mind me asking, are you also new to Canada? What is your original club?

Shinsuo - Thanks for the welcome mate. I really hope I get hooked on this team. I live close to the stadium so want to try tailgating and meeting other fans.

First off let me say, As you can tell by buying the ticket... I'm not some snobby european with the attitude "MLS sucks and the fans here know nothing".
Yes, I'm hugely opinionated about football and would argue with anyone until the cows come home about football. But I'm here to show a bit of respect to the support.
You guys need to keep me right and help educate me on all things Montreal Impact.

I really want to get into this and really absorb the Montreal Impact culture.
TBH I've had a hard adjustment to life in Montreal and I really want to make every effort with this football team. It's the perfect blend of my culture in Scotland with Quebec and Canadian culture.

Any advice or pointers on absorbing the Impact culture would greatly be appreciated.
I checked out bar 99 which seems a cool dive bar. But I always seem to miss the fans and end up drinking pints on my own! haha
Any other bars or joints to check out? I've also been to Frappe.

Champion continental
Champion continental
Messages : 6576
Inscription : 19 mai 2009 23:08
Club préféré : Impact
Mon “autre” club favori : OM
Place dans le stade : Section 126
Localisation : Laval, Qc

Re: Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football ga

Message par gbagrami »

Nice to see that you're so positive about getting behind the Impact. :)

Oh, I've been there for a while now, just over 10 years. My original club is Olympique de Marseille. ;)

Ancien abonné en 126
Messages : 19
Inscription : 19 avril 2016 14:16
Votre vrai nom : Paul Docherty

Re: Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football ga

Message par junglejim67 »

Marseille? nice one. My knowledge of French league. The team I followed down there are St Etienne as I have some friends in Magic fans. I know you won't want to hear that as a Marseille fan ;-).

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Re: Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football ga

Message par Ian »

Just wondering what section did you get your season tickets in?
Dernière modification par Ian le 31 janvier 2017 23:13, modifié 1 fois.

Messages : 19
Inscription : 19 avril 2016 14:16
Votre vrai nom : Paul Docherty

Re: Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football ga

Message par junglejim67 »

My ticket is in section 132

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Re: Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football games

Message par perthsaint »

Hi, I thought I'd jump in here rather than starting a new thread. I'm spending a few days in Montreal next week and have a ticket for the game versus New York. My questions are really about beer. There are various suggestions about pre-match beer venues up-thread. Are those still current or are there any new venues of note? What are the options for having a beer (by which I don't mean rubbish like Bud or similar) in the ground? Finally, what are the best options for bars and brewbars in the city as a whole. I'm visiting for 6 days so have a fair amount of drinking time which I don't want to waste on mediocrity.

Many thanks for your help in advance and best wishes.

Bxl Boy
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Re: Just Moved to Montreal. Interest in Impact / football games

Message par Bxl Boy »

I'll let the other ones answer for the stadium, but in the City for another day, I suggest Le Biermarkt, that has a wide range of beers, inluding some very good ones, at various prices.

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